Locating Leadership at the Heart of Teaching and Learning 

Episode 3: Locating Leadership at the Heart of Teaching and Learning 

Show Notes


The third episode of Chasing Bailey looks at how teacher leadership multiplies the point and power of teams in schools.  Four teacher leaders – Kelly Aldridge Boyd , LeKeisha Harding, Whitney Bradley Weathers, and Lindsey Nelson -- describe their experience and outline how they grew into their roles. Host Barb Stengel links the work of these teacher leaders to the actions of the school principal, Christian Sawyer, highlighting how his willingness to let go was as important as his efforts to guide and support.  In the end, we are left to wonder what love’s got to do with it.  



00:00  Introduction:  Locating Leadership at the Heart of Teaching and Learning 


The Roles and Responsibilities of Teacher Leaders at Bailey, Kelly Aldridge Boyd,  LeKeisha Harding, Whitney Bradley Weathers, and Lindsey Nelson with Narrator Barb Stengel 


How Much Time Were Teachers Leaders Teaching Kids?  Aldridge Boyd, Harding, Bradley Weathers, and Nelson with Stengel 


What Difference(s) Did Teacher Leaders Make for Scholars and Colleagues?  Aldridge Boyd, Harding, Bradley Weathers, and Nelson with Stengel 


How Were Teachers Leaders Recruited, Encouraged, and Developed?  Aldridge Boyd, Harding, Bradley Weathers, and Nelson with Stengel 


Bailey as a Crucible for Leadership Aldridge Boyd, Harding, Bradley Weathers, and Nelson with Stengel 


Principal Sawyer as the “Source” for Teacher Leadership?  Janita Sanders, Conley Flynn, Sarah Prawel, Laura Lauffman, Greta Knudsen 


Love and Learning at Bailey Student Jasmine Summers




At the core of this episode is a 90-minute interview with the four teacher leaders named above. Nearly half of the interview found its way into this episode.  However, the interview was so lively and rich that we are making the entire audio file available for those who want to follow up on the insights of these four educators.  Extended conversations about how race figured in their work and about how we might be reconstructing schools post-pandemic can be found toward the end of the interview.   To listen to the entire discussion, go to https://www.chasingbaileypod.com/extra-content.




Our Host is Barb Stengel, a retired professor of educational practice at Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College. She is a self-described fan of the Bailey experiment. 

Between 2012 and 2016, Barb spent one day a week at Bailey, coordinating the school’s collaboration with Peabody, and serving as an informal cheerleader while also learning from this remarkable effort. She knew early on it was a story worth telling. So over the past year, Barb has spent time with dozens of staff, students, parents, and district administrators who were eager to talk about their experiences.  



Chasing Bailey is hosted and narrated by Dr. Barbara Stengel, Vanderbilt University. 


This episode was edited and co-produced by Brenna Fallon.   The executive producer is Dr. Lowery Woodall, Millersville University of Pennsylvania. 


Our theme music is Midnight Blues by lemonmusicstudio.  Occasional music includes SundayBlues by Francis McDonald.  


New episodes will drop on the last day of the month.  You can find us on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon, and Stitcher, and nearly anywhere else you find your podcasts. 


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